Does your jaw pop or click when you eat hard foods? Do you wake up with morning headaches? You may have a TMJ disorder. TMJ disorders are caused by injury or stress on the temporomandibular joints. These joints aid in biting and chewing, as they connect the jawbone to the skull.
Patients with TMJ disorders often experience pain in the face or jaw, as well as nightly teeth grinding.
Our professional dental team provides TMJ treatment in Newtown, PA. They help restore oral health and physical health to patients with TMJ therapy treatments. TMJ therapy treatment is one of the restorative dentistry services our Newtown, PA office provides to the public.
Signs of TMJ
Common signs of TMJ disorders include:
- Jaw and facial pain
- Tooth sensitivity
- Difficulty chewing
- Toothaches
- Earaches
- Worn tooth enamel
- Cuts or sores inside the cheek
- Muscle spasms
- Teeth clenching and grinding (bruxism)
- Jaw clicking or popping
Contact our office if you have noticed any of these TMJ symptoms. We will help you find the right treatment option for your specific TMJ problems.
Treatments for TMJ Disorders
Patients with TMJ symptoms can alleviate pain and discomfort with these treatments:
- Exercises: We will often recommend physical therapy for our TMJ patients. During physical therapy appointments, they will learn certain exercises that reduce TMJ symptoms in the jaw, head, and neck.
- Nutrition counseling: Some patients benefit from avoiding hard or chewy foods for several weeks. Eating a soft diet can reduce strain on the muscles and TMJ joints, allowing them to heal.
- Spray and stretch: For this treatment, we spray a vapor coolant on a tender muscle. Then, we stretch out the muscle to help relieve pain.
- Trigger point injections: These injections use a medicated needle injected into the TMJ muscles to relieve pain.
- Occlusal splints: An occlusal splint is a custom oral appliance that is similar to a mouthguard. It prevents teeth clenching and grinding and can reduce stress on the facial and jaw muscles.
TMJ Treatment FAQs
TMJ conditions can cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint, making treatment essential. Learn more about TMJ treatment by reading the answers to these commonly asked questions.
What causes TMJ?
TMJ is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull, known as the temporomandibular joint. TMJ disorders may be caused by teeth grinding, stress, jaw injuries, misaligned teeth, or jaw injuries. There are a variety of factors that may cause TMJ disorders. To treat a TMJ disorder, it is important to determine what causes it.
What are the most common symptoms of TMJ?
The most common symptoms of TMJ include jaw pain, clicking or popping, jaw locking, headaches, and ringing ears. Patients may also experience muscle spasms in their faces and difficulty chewing. If you are experiencing any of these, you may have an issue with your temporomandibular joint.
Why is my TMJ worsening?
There are many little things you may not realize connect to your TMJ disorder. One of these things is your posture. It’s often overlooked, but if you’re hunching over and slouching, the jaw shifts out of its typical position, putting strain on the TMJ. An increase in stress also worsens TMJ because you’re more likely to clench and grind your teeth, aggravating the jaw joint.
How long does TMJ treatment take?
The amount of time it takes to treat TMJ disorders varies from patient to patient, depending on the severity of the TMJ disorder and what is causing it. Some patients may be able to alleviate their symptoms after a few weeks of treatment, while for others, it may take a couple of months.
Can TMJ affect my ears?
Yes, TMJ can impact various other parts of your body. The jaw joint is right next to the ear canal, making your ears especially susceptible to the effects of TMJ disorders. Typically, this manifests in tinnitus, or a ringing in your ears. An ENT doctor may be able to tell you if TMJ causes your ear problems.
How can I speed up TMJ healing?
Avoid things that can aggravate the jaw joint. Stick to a soft diet and avoid foods that are hard and sticky. You can try relaxing techniques to relax your jaw throughout the day. If you gently massage your jaw throughout the day, you can promote blood flow in the area and promote healing.
Request a Dental Appointment
Do you often find yourself clenching your jaw in stressful situations? Are you looking for a way to stop nightly teeth grinding? Call our office for TMJ treatment today at 267-692-2394. Schedule a dental consultation with us online.